Google I/O 2013 Announces Major Updates in Play store apps and Gaming

The Google I/O conference featuring many developers as spectators revealed some of the major developments and progress in the Google Play Store and Gaming experience. Hitting over 48 billion app downloads from the Play store it has been a record of 2.8 billion downloads in past one month.

Google announce some major updates in Play store apps as well as gaming platform.

  1. Now developers can have direct access to API from the Play store.
  2. Since the first successful app from Google was the maps, three major updates were announced for
    Google maps.
  • Fused location provider which uses low data from offline data for better navigation and positioning.
  • Geo fencing app, which shows the virtual fences or borders between different countries or regions.
  • Activity recognition app. This app will monitor your activity when you are walking, driving or bicycling. This can be done without turning on the GPS.

Google Cloud Messaging. 
  1. Persistent connection which enables constant messaging through cloud messaging.
  2. Upstream messaging - You can send messages back to server from app directly. This will help in keeping battery to minimum.
  3. Synchronize notifications - When you dismiss a notification on one device it will be still there on your synchronized devices.

Google Plus cross platform linking

With this new option when you are redirected to sign into a website through Google plus, the app for that specific website will be downloaded directly to your mobile. This feature helps you  in minimising the need to remember passwords and signing in every time you visit the website. This feature impressed us a lot.


The whole level of gaming in Play store and other devices is taken to a new level. Three new features are added to gaming arena.
  1. Cloud save - You can sync your game data through cloud computing to the online servers. With this you can start the game from where you ended before on other devices. Say for example you completed level one on your device, by logging in with your id you can start from level two on other device.
  2. Achievements - You can share your achievements through cross platform linking even with iOS for friendly competition.
  3. Leader boards - See in your Google plus circles who is leading the board. 
  4. Comprehensive multi player service for matching players and engaging them for head to head competition. You can play together, invite friends to play together or against others, meet new players. This particular part, they failed to show it on the stage.
Well that's it for Google Play and Gaming updates in Google I/O 2013. We expected a lot on Nexus 7 and new hardware upgrades though. But still we are happy with Play Store part of view.


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